Atlas ![]() Lasea and surrounding area Maps Created using Biblemapper 3.0 Additional data from Occurrences Acts 27:8 With difficulty sailing along it we came to a certain place called Fair Havens, near the city of Lasea.Encyclopedia LASEAla-se'-a (Lasaia): A town on the South coast of Crete, 5 miles East of Fair Havens (Acts 27:8). The ruins were examined in 1856 by G. Brown (see Code of Hammurabi (St. P), chapter xxiii, 640). If Paul's ship was detained long at this anchorage, it would be necessary to purchase stores from Lasea; and this in addition to the inconvenience of the roadstead (see FAIR HAVENS) would probably explain the captain's reluctance to winter there. LASEA, a town on the s. coast of Crete, equidistant from e. to w., and nearly on the most southern point; 2 ms. e. of Fair Havens; 40 ms. almost due e. from Claudus. Act. 27:8. Strong's Greek G2996: LasaiaLasea, a city of Crete |