Atlas ![]() Helbon and surrounding area Maps Created using Biblemapper 3.0 Additional data from Occurrences Ezekiel 27:18 Damascus was your merchant for the multitude of your handiworks, by reason of the multitude of all kinds of riches, with the wine of Helbon, and white wool.Encyclopedia HELBONhel'-bon (chelbon; Chelbon, Chebron): A district from which Tyre received supplies of wine through the Damascus market (Ezekiel 27:18); universally admitted to be the modern Halbun, a village at the head of a fruitful valley of the same name among the chalk slopes on the eastern side of Anti-Lebanon, 13 miles North-Northwest of Damascus, where traces of ancient vineyard terracing still exist. Records contemporary with Ezekiel mention mat helbunim or the land of Helbon, whence Nebuchadnezzar received wine for sacrificial purposes (Belinno Cylinder, I, 23), while karan hulbunu, or Helbonian wine, is named in Western Asiatic Inscriptions, II, 44. Strabo (xv.735) also tells that the kings of Persia esteemed it highly. The district is still famous for its grapes-the best in the country-but these are mostly made into raisins, since the population is now Moslem. Helbon must not be confounded with Chalybon (Ptol. v.15, 17), the Greek-Roman province of Haleb or Aleppo. HEL'BON, a Syrian city, now Helbun, in a wild glen, high up in the Anti-Lebanon mountains, 124 ms. e. by. n. of Jerusalem, 11 ms. n. by w. from Damascus. Strong's Hebrew H2463: Chelbona place in Aram (Syria) |