Atlas ![]() Parah and surrounding region Maps Created using Biblemapper 3.0 Additional data from Occurrences Joshua 18:23 Avvim, Parah, Ophrah,Encyclopedia PARAHpa'-ra, par'-a (ha-parah; Codex Vaticanus Phara; Codex Alexandrinus Aphar): A city named as in the territory of Benjamin between Avvim and Ophrah (Joshua 18:23). It may with some confidence be identified with Farah on Wady Farah, which runs into Wady Suweinit, about 3 miles Northeast of `Anata. PA'RAH, 5 1/2 n.e. from Jerusalem and about 1 1/2 m. farther up than the junction of the Wadies Farah and Suweinit, but on wady Farah at a ruin called Farah. Strong's Hebrew H6511: Paraha place in Benjamin |