
Gallim and surrounding region
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1 Samuel 25:44 Now Saul had given Michal his daughter, David's wife, to Palti the son of Laish, who was of Gallim.
Isaiah 10:30 Cry aloud with your voice, daughter of Gallim! Listen, Laishah! You poor Anathoth!
GALLIMgal'-im (gallim), "heaps"): Probably two distinct places:
(1) A town mentioned among the 11 additional cities of Judah which are in the Septuagint appended to Joshua 15:59, and have altogether disappeared from the Hebrew text. It occurs between Karem (`Ain Kairem) and Baither (Bettir); it is probably the large and flourishing village of Beit Jala, near Bethlehem.
(2) Gallim is mentioned in Isaiah 10:30; not far from Laishah and Anathoth and certainly North of Jerusalem. It was the home of Palti the son of Laish (1 Samuel 25:44), and it is by many authorities identified with the Gilgal on the North border of Judah (Joshua 15:7), the Geliloth of the parallel passage (Joshua 18:17), and the Beth-gilgal of Nehemiah 12:29.
E. W. G. Masterman
Strong's Hebrew
H1554: Gallim"heaps," a place near Jer.