
Aenon and surrounding area

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John 3:23 John also was baptizing in Enon near Salim, because there was much water there. They came, and were baptized.

John 3:26 They came to John, and said to him, "Rabbi, he who was with you beyond the Jordan, to whom you have testified, behold, the same baptizes, and everyone is coming to him."


e'-non (Ainon): The place where John was baptizing "because there was much water there" (John 3:23). It was on the west side of the Jordan, the place where John baptized at the first being on the east (John 1:28; John 3:26; John 10:40). We may be sure it was not in Samaritan territory. Eusebius, Onomasticon locates it 8 Roman miles South of Scythopolis (Beisan), this stretch of land on the west of the Jordan being then, not under Samaria, but under Scythopolis. Its position is defined by nearness to Salim. Various identifications have been suggested, the most probable being the springs near Umm el-`Amdan, which exactly suit the position indicated by Eusebius, Onomasticon.omforter, Helper, Greek Paraclete. Beyond doubt however, "advocate ' is the correct translation in the passage in the epistle. The same Greek word also occurs in the Gospel of John (John 14:16, 26; John 15:26; John 16:7) referring not to Christ but to the Holy Spirit, to whom Christ refers as "another comforter" whom He will send from the Father. In the Gospel various functions are ascribed to the Spirit in relation to believers and unbelievers. The word in the Gospel is inadequately translated "Comforter." The Spirit according to these passages, is more than Comforter and more than Advocate.

See discussion under SALIM.

W. Ewing

E'NON, springs, some have supposed the site to be n.e. of Shechem and 7 ms. n. of a village now called Salim, the latter being 3 ms. e. of Shechem. Three ms. s.w. of this supposed site of Enon are several springs in a valley. These coincidences have led some to place Enon here. But both the words Salim and that for springs, are among the most common. There is another Salim, or name of similar form, in the wady of that name, 3 to 4 ms. n.e. of Jerusalem and very much water flowing from one large spring and several others, 2 ms. n.e. at ain Farah. Therefore as that immense spring supply (as Dr. Barclay describes it) suggests the word "springs," or Enon, and the name suggests the Salim of John, it has been located at this place with far greater probability, for the former place was in Samaria and the latter in Judea. Now from John 3:22, 23, it appears that both Jesus and John were baptizing in Judea and their proximity to each other gave occasion to the remarks recorded in the 25th verse. Then it appears that Jesus left Judea for Galilee, chap. 4:1, with the intention of getting out of the neighborhood of John and the appearance of rivalry. On the way to Galilee he comes to Jacob's well near Sychar in Samaria. Now if the first supposed site is the location of Enon Jesus was nearer John than before. But the improbability of this site arises from the fact that it supposes that John left Judea and went baptizing among the Samaritans, with whom, we are told by the Evangelist, the Jews had no dealings. It is almost certain, therefore, that Enon was not at the site first described.
Strong's Greek
G137: Ain�n

Aenon, a place in the Jordan Valley

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